Friday, November 15, 2013

A Date for a Date

This was a caption I owed to Dementia.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.


  1. Cute cap! I like the story and the picture you've used for it.

  2. God I hope you do- you are very lucky if you do- I would what ever it takes to stay her- kiss- making love- my panties would be off with him filling me!

  3. As I mentioned in the Haven, I really enjoyed this caption, especially the part where I try to say one thing and it comes out much different and girlish. You also framed a picture I adored with a good story!

    PS. how/where did you get the ratings boxes?

    1. You have to go to "Layout" on your home page. Once there you should see a box that says "Blog Posts." Click "Edit" and a window should appear and give you options. There should be a space to enter ratings.
