Monday, October 9, 2023

Certainly, There Have Been Worse Bachelor Parties?

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to put out a caption for the blog's thirteenth anniversary, but I did come across this picture earlier in the day. The plot wasn't very hard to form together in my head from then on.

Comments and criticism are always appreciated.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Possession Betrayal

I've managed to get this one done today as well. I can't remember the last time I wrote a possession caption, but such a scenario felt like the best route to go with this picture.

Comments and criticism are always appreciated.

Ever Think There Was More to the Mirror You Own?

Long time no see, everyone. I know I've been absent the last few years and don't update as much as I used to, but I found myself in a writing mood and decided to put together this caption. I hope it turned out well, as far as captions go.

I can't say this is a return, exactly, but hopefully I can find myself putting out at least a little bit more.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Body Type, Then and Now: 10 Years of sp2000's TG Captions

I knew I had to make something for the blog's ten year anniversary, so I decided to write a little something inspired by how I wouldn't mind gaining a bit of a curvier figure either in regards to thinking about myself getting transformed; as compared to a decade ago when I only thought about a female version of myself being exclusively thin. Thanks to FaceApp, I was able to use some edited images here.

I know updates to this blog have been lacking. I don't write as much as I did back in 2010 and I do wish I could have written some more captions in the lead up to this anniversary. But other things in my life have wound up taking priority naturally.

To any long time and new visitors that have frequently returned to this blog at any point in its existence, thank you for enjoying my TG transformation writings.


Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

12,000,000 views? Even with a lack of posts?

Hello, everyone. Long time no see.

I hope everyone has been pulling through the whole Covid-19 pandemic. I've been doing okay myself. What an insane year this has been.

Even with my lack of updates, I have noticed the blog has managed to recently surpass a total of 12 million page views. Though I'm not sure how long ago that was. If you're wondering when I may post another caption, I do have something planned to be posted for the anniversary of the blog's creation on October 9th.

Until then, be safe.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Does He Still Have the Touch?

It's been a long time since my last post and I meant to have this caption posted much earlier since, as of yesterday, it's been nine years since I created this blog. I knew I had to write something for this occasion and the following caption is what I ended up writing. I'm not sure it's my best work, but after reading it over once finishing it, I felt a little better about the quality.

I hope it is enjoyable.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Thank you to everyone who still comes by here.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Virtual Reality or Just Very Real?

This was a caption I did for the January 2019 Caption Contest on

edit: It also got the most votes in the contest.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

The 1953 Coke Challenge

This was a caption I made for Satcheron.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

The Argument Before the Shower

I managed to get this one out as well.

This was a caption I owed to preg luv on

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

A Little Warm Up?

I really wanted to buckle down and attempt writing something. Just to get the creative juices flowing. So I looked through some pics and nothing came to mind, but ideas were also forming without looking at pics first for inspiration. The latter being how I usually handled writing captions. So I figured I'd just start typing out what story formed in my head. A picture can come later. Maybe write something for myself...

I was lucky to find a decent picture to go with this halfway through.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Two Milestones, But Zero Captions?

Hey, everyone. Sorry for a lack of captions. I know I've already been putting out less as it is, but lately I feel like it's just come to a halt. It's really just a combination of lack of time and writer's block. But also, as much as I hate to say it, waning interest. I do hope I can get around to making something again soon though.

Which is why I have put off making two milestone announcements, as I was hoping to get time to work on writing something for the blog.

One month ago, October 9th marked the 8 year anniversary of this blog being created. Then, around a few days later, the page view count finally surpassed 11 million. I planned on tying it all together with a Halloween caption since it was October, but that came and went. I might still create the caption I planned, but my apologies for not having it done then.

A big thank you to everyone who has enjoyed my captions since the creation of this blog. I hope I can keep on making more for what remains of 2018, and moving into 2019.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

One of Them?

Long time no caption, everyone. Inspiration managed to strike me.

This was a caption I owed to Milky on Rachel's Haven.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Missing Thumbnails?

A user on Rachel's Haven going by the name HoseLuvr_RJ informed me that posts here on the blog are missing captions from June and July 2011. I looked into it and it appears something is wrong with how the thumbnails are appearing. I was still able to click on them to enlarge them and still able to open them in new tabs. At least the captions haven't vanished altogether. I'm not sure why the thumbnails look like that though. Anyone have any ideas?

Thank you to HoseLuvr_RJ for pointing this out to me.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Messy Friend to Perfect Maid

A caption I owed to MaidJaqueline.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Monday, March 26, 2018

The Beer Treatment

This was a caption I made for Satcheron. I used Google Translate for the German in this caption, so apologies for anything inaccurate. I also learned how to write the accent from this website:

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Here is the German text to translate also:

"Oh mein Gott! Du hast mich in eine Frau verwandelt!" Allan spoke perfectly, "Holy schit! I chust sboke in German! Vy can't I loze zis accent? Vat haffe you done to me!?"
"Warum sprichst du dann weiter auf Englisch? Wir sind alle Deutsche hier." Ina reasoned.
"Ja, du bist nicht mehr Amerikaner, Renata."
"Renata?" she questioned her new name.
"Ja, Renata. Wir haben bei Ihnen amerikanischen Oktoberfest noch nicht viele Deutsche gesehen. Auch wir haben geschlossen, das letzte letzte Jahr anzupassen."
"Helka ist sehr schön, ja?" asked Lilo, "Warum gehst du nicht deinen Freund für uns holen?"
"Mein Freund?" Renata spoke slowly as her memories began to shift and fade.
"Ja, ja, der junge Mann mit deutschem Abgang, mit dem du bist gekommen. Er sollte eine sehr attraktive Frau werden."
"Ja... Das klingt sehr gut." Renata smiled, her mind becoming filled with the idea that she should strive to create as many Germans as possible each year, "Ich weiß, er mag vollbusige Frauen. Er soll mir leicht folgen, ja?"
"Gutes Mädchen, Renata. Jetzt machen wir Sie zum perfekten Bier Mädchen." Ina insisted.

"Oh, I'm zure you vill learn many zings fery zoon." she giggled mischievously, holding Kevin's arm as they walked back to the booth, "Ich hoffe, du hast größere Brüste als ich."

Sunday, January 28, 2018

They're All Just Jealous

This was a caption I owed to Terri.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Feeling Glamourous

This was a caption I owed to Dementia.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

I Want You to Be My Trophy Wife

This was a caption I owed to Baroness Vanessa.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

A Bit Late, But Seven Years Have Passed

Hello, everyone. Sorry for the lack of updates and new captions. I've just posted quite a few, but the reasons for not posting them any sooner was due to how they were made for a few people on Rachel's Haven, and I didn't want recurring character names to seem repetitive from caption to caption. I thought I'd have other captions done for other people before posting them, but that just never came to be.

October 9th was also the seventh anniversary of this blog, and I became so caught up in real life and lack of caption motivation that I simply forgot about it entirely.

Thank you to everyone who has still dropped by here. I hope I can return more regularly.

Wife Material

This was another caption I made for Riatsala.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Boots & Belts

This was a caption I made for SimplySays.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Forgotten Phone

This was a caption I owed to Gwen.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Don't Drop in Water?

This was a cap I owed to Gwen.

I think I could have ended it after the fourth paragraph, but I decided to expand it a little.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

Midnight Swim

A caption I owed Gwen on Rachel's Haven.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.

That Bet Was Serious?

A caption I owed to Gwen.

Comments, ratings, and criticism are always appreciated.